Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some thing out of no thing...

This early morning dawn,
Brings some thing out of no thing,
Echoes songs of love, songs of God
Throughout limited time left eternal in the promise of tomorrow.

The boundaries of the flesh,
Brings some thing out of no thing,
As the gift of my soul in flight
Allows my weary bones to find daylight in the darkness of night.

The hand I feel in mine,
Brings some thing out of no thing,
The hope that springs from deep within
Fills the need for forgiveness found in the depths of sin.

Lord, allow me to share
What I am,
No thing from some thing,
Some thing from no thing,
Allow me to feel the warmth inside the presence of cold,
Allow me to see the light in the pits of darkness.
Allow me to hear the music in Your dawn's early light,
Allow me to smell the green earth beneath my feet
And allow me to taste the nectar of love from within the bitterness of hate.

Never allow me to feel so much that I can no longer feel,
or see so much as to blind me,
Never allow me to hear so much as to forget to listen,
or to smell the sweet in such abundance as I cannot recall the sour.

And Lord,
Your humble servant begs of you, never allow me to become so accustomed to the sweet nectar of love as to not hunger for more. Never allow me to forget the pangs of such hunger, as to not offer this meal to others.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Farm Market

This is Joe's Farm Market on Rt. 322 in Harrison Township, NJ. I often wonder if scenes like this will become extinct in the years to come.

Irrigation Pond

This is a "scenic" picture I took at an irrigation pond in Harrison Township, NJ. Nature provides the best subjects.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Disappearing farmland

In the background farm houses are barely visible, in the foreground is farm land being converted into single family homes. This picture, taken on Union Road at the Wolfert Station intersection in East Greenwich, NJ, shows where most farmers find their last hope for wealth...their land.

Fire House Fire

Fire struck the Oak Valley Fire House in Deptford New Jersey sometime after the first of the year. I happened by the station, and took this picture of it's emblem that shows scars from the blaze.

Police Funeral

I took this picture on 1/8/08 on Rte. 695 in Maryland. This were police vehicles waiting for a funeral procession for a police officer. I am researching what happened, and will post more as I find out.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sunrise on Christmas Morning, 2007

Sunrise on Christmas morning, 2007.

Feel the heat that warms the cold,
Life, the Tao of stories old,
What breaks new of life that's gone?'s life found in the breaking dawn.

Revel in life anew,
Not like wings of birds who never flew,
Spread out, rejoice, and let it show,
The spirit shown in all you know.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Old Farm House

This old farm house is located on Rt. 70 just before the "Hub Cap Place". It was real muddy, so I got as close as I dared being as I wasn't in work clothes...